Spring finally arrived and all the hard work I put into planting hundreds of bulbs, has paid off. The farm is covered in patches of wonderful daffodils which smile at me as I gaze out of the windows.
My crocus are nearly over now but the willows are out, the jasmine is another happy yellow splash up by the main gate, and before the big storm of three days ago, my mimosa was magnificent.
Suddenly we were warned to batten down the hatches as our beautiful spring weather was coming to a halt and that the weather men were expecting snow and high winds. It came in roaring and I was completely cut off from the outside world until the motor saws were brought in to clear the roads. Wrapped in the wind were hail stones the size of large olives which were hurled sideways across the valley.
I couldn't get out to feed the ponies or cats because I would have been knocked over and I've been there once this year!!!
Trees were knocked over and so were the spring flowers and my mimosa. I could cry they look so pathetic now.
We have had to prune them to see if we can save their lives.
All of my peach trees have been stripped of their pink blossom and the almond trees had also just burst into colour.
What rotten timing. I wonder if my bees had the time to pollinate a few of the flowers or we will short on fruit this summer.
At least the little Princess is safe and dry.
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